Posted by TINA MENTOL on
BIG BIZNIS SMALL BRANDThree years ago, the story of SLAVSOCKS began; connecting SLAVS and Slavs of our(BALKAN) and Eastern European region.We started in the Balkans with the motifs of AJVAR, BUREK, RAKIJA, SARMA, and other recognizable elements of material culture that unite us.Looking back, we have behind us a bunch of projects, recordings, motives, collaborations, and, above all, people who accepted Slavsocks and took them to the world.Slavsocks were brought to the world by people who are close to the story of Slavsocks and the elements depicted on the socks.Pictures from all continents, gifts, tourist photos, Tinder profiles, and...
Posted by TINA MENTOL on
Ko si pripravimo skledico popolnega Čokolina, nas vsaka žlica ponese v čarobnost otroštva, ko smo se zbudili in komaj čakali, da okusimo to popolno mešanico, začinjeno s slastno čokolado. Občutek nostalgije in domačnosti danes v garderobe slovenske mladine prinašajo nogavice Slavsocks, ki v navidezno preprost modni dodatek, tkejo bogato edinstvenost naše zgodovinske identitete. Bele ́čarape ́ so zdaj bogatejše še za eno kultnorazličico, katero smo s ponosom ustvarili za vse, ki jih tudi danes navdušuje mešanica že dolgo znanih in sodobnih okusov, ene najbolj legendarnih blagovnih znamk na našem področju. Ko obujete Čokolino nogavice, ne nosite le urbanega, trendovskega modnega dodatka, ampak...
Posted by TINA MENTOL on
![KONCEPT 45](
Posted by TINA MENTOL on
Slavsocks zaključujemo leto s sodelovanjem z legendami yugoslovanskega rocka - Bijelo Dugme! Vizija, moda in poklon 80im Slavsocks je bila blizu tudi ikonam zlate dobe rock’n’rolla in pionirjem mode za časa Jugoslavije! Dugmemanija ni nikoli izgubila svojega čara, prenašala se je iz generacije v generacijo, glasba vaše in naše mladosti ter prihodnosti! Bližje prihodnosti, saj Bijelo Dugme prihajajo 28.12.2022 v Ljubljano - natančneje v Stožice! Ob tej priložnosti smo združili moči Slavsocks in Bijelo Dugme ter naredili - najboljša “božična” darila in t.i. merch - nogavice Slavsocks x Bijelo Dugme! Na voljo sta 2 motiva, Bijelo Dugme in HITOVI, na...
Posted by TINA MENTOL on
BIG BIZNIS - SLAVS GONNA SLAVAN ARTICLE ABOUT SLAVSOCKS PUBLISHED IN 33MAGAZINE BY FASHION ICON MIRA POSTOLACHE!LINK->"In fashion, statement socks have been big for a few years. In 2017, kicked off by the Vetements’ socks with the DHL logo teeT-shirt, they became “the most loaded accessory of the year”, according to the GQ columnist Justin Myers. Prada played with pulling socks up to men’s knees and, thanks to logomania, socks have become a more affordable way for fashion fans to conspicuously buy into their favourite designer labels."”Motifs on socks are a part of different cultures some of them are even named differently...